Gender Roles and Politics

Gender socialization is a frequently occurring phenomenon nowadays. Women are not regarded as just housewives and family hearth keepers. Stereotypes of women having their real place in the kitchen are of little importance now. Nevertheless, gender, for any of several reasons, provides a distinction for females, especially in politics. The following essay reflects on the sociology of gender, specifically focusing on gender and the law, gender and politics, providing examples and highlighting different factors as for male and female politicians such as stereotypes and bias, gender socialization, and differences in campaign strategies and styles.

Reflecting on the sociology of gender and focusing on gender and politics, the way how society feels about women in politics is of no small importance. As it is stated, women are not supposed to be in politics because they are taught that it is improper occupation for them (Ahern, Conway, & Steuernagel, 1997). It is a certain kind of historically established system where women should realize that family, children, and husband are their primary amenability. According to this point of view, they confront a negative attitude from the electorate and so few women are chosen to the higher office, even by female voters.

There are a lot of formidable obstacles apart from gender socialization which are put on women’s way to politics. The most prominent are different gender clich?s, voter preconception, negative campaigning political atmosphere, and media coverage. As it is displayed, women candidates are not covered in media as frequently as men, but if they are, they acquire investigation and disinterest (Fox, 1995). Male and female politicians have evident differences in campaign strategies and styles. On the one hand, women convey different perceptions and issues to political office; on the other hand, they are more personal with voters. Women are usually more interested in social programs, government welfare programs, focusing on individual needs and affirmative action. Moreover, in legislation, they conduce to regard agendas dealing with families and children as top priorities.

It is evident that gender greatly impacts political campaigns due to gender socialization, voter bias, and stereotype ideas. The most important fact is that female candidates change political office by bringing dissimilar observations, issues, and agenda.

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