Case 2

Moving out immediately to another apartment or to a bigger shared room means losing funds initially paid for the apartment. However, I consent to my friend’s request; we should still have a win - win situation for both of us. The strategy is to be safe from losing funds used as deposit paid to live in the apartment while lending a friend a place to stay. In this case, the best thing to do is to invite the friend in for the meanwhile as a notice on the intention to move out is given in advance to the home owner. Within the expiry of the notice period, it will be sensible to move out since the amount paid as a deposit will have been recovered. In Getting to Yes, we learnt the value of focusing on your interests. According to Fisher et al. (1992), focusing on the interests but not the position is very vital aspect of negotiation. Similarly, my strategy in this case has been guided by focus on interest

Case 3

The goal is to reach out to the boss to review the salary paid in a polite manner. The best strategy that I will apply in this case is to find the most suitable approach for use in engaging in polite conversations with the boss without fear of his position. This is because, as Fisher et al. (1992) notes, sometimes being polite can go a long way in helping two parties strike a god agreement. Additionally, I will carry out this tactfully so as to handle the situation in a manner that is not blunt which could lead to any painful cost. I believe that there is no need to cower and move away from addressing the issue due to the power that the boss holds.

Case 4

The urgent need for money to meet overdue payments makes the situation very challenging to handle. There is a need to come up with the best solution that will take care of the pending needs. Since the bills are overdue, I will put priority to finding a good buyer who will make prompt payments for the car. I will therefore settle for the buyer who is ready to pay. However, I will have to persuade the buyer to increase the offer. According to Fisher et al. (1992), it is important to make a wise decision while avoiding to argue over positions.  In this scenario, therefore, I will respectfully bargain or talk with the buyer who is ready until we reach into a conclusion that will be helpful in raising the money needed. I believe that respectful negotiations while using reasoning power will help the buyer to increase the price at hand to a higher amount that will provide the funds needed to foot the bills as well as give extras from the sale of the car.

Case 5

It is not possible to convince the friend that the money is not available because I had boasted of receiving a bonus the previous week. I will therefore look at the major issue - which is the fact that despite claiming to return the money in 2 weeks, the friend will never pay the money back. I will focus on the best means to avoid giving the money out. The reason not to lend out the money is further aggravated by what the friend intend to do with the money: purchasing an outfit to impress on a date, which is not a need but a want. I feel that lending the money will lead to future conflicts after the friend fails to return the money. Therefore, choosing not to lend the money will go a long way in saving the friendship. According to Fisher et al. (1992), the use of objective criteria is very vital in negotiations and making decisions. Similarly, my objective  to maintain a good friendship prompts me to do only things that won’t be detrimental t our friendship.

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