Career women are women that work and put employment as their priority before family or household chores. They could be either married or single. Married women can be described as women who are bound to their families and consider household work as a priority over career work.  They may be married and employed at the same time. The reality is that each and every woman is a working woman but the only difference is that career women work outside their homes, managing occupation and family brings particular disputes and disputes.

University of Michigan (2004) states that most career women always focus on their occupational duties and are driven by the economic motivation that encourages them to work. They also have a mentality of being independent. The role conflicts happen when they try to balance family and home duties with their professional jobs. As much as they have to perform their professional work, their place as women is home. They are anticipated to put up with a big family and sustain a smooth environment for the family where their men or husbands don’t require troubling themselves about home issues. Whether married or not married, a career woman is always expected to be bellow men even at work place and especially when it comes to making decisions. She is also obligated to ensuring that her children are brought up with and taught good morals. According to research, working women face a lot of challenges at their work places. For example, single working women work for longer hours.  They also experience inequality at their workplaces like law payments. Their chances of work promotions are also low compared to working men. Even though they may be employed career women still have responsibilities as family mothers.  They tend to build up mental issues as they are obligated to struggling to balance double duties (occupation and family duties). Career women are expected to play their part both at workplace and at home and be equally commitment at job and home. They are faced with the challenge of work and family commitment because it is hard and tough for them. Since commitment to both occupation and personal duties is seen as an ideal concept, most career women choose committing themselves to career than family. This results into high level of family role conflicts. In most cases, career women tend to resolve their role issues by either being accomplishment oriented with no intentions of getting married or choosing to be act like superwomen who are committed to both family and career.

On the other hand, women who are married may choose to be committed to their family than their occupation. However, this may change in cases where married women may undergo abusive marriages and decide to become independent.  Their increased involvement in work may have many challenges. Some of these challenges may be due to their less time spent at home leading to low level of interaction with their families and changing objectives for the future. It becomes hard fort the married women to balance between their career and family and therefore the challenges may negatively affect their connection and attribute to rising levels of divorce. They tend to relax concerning the customary beliefs about the duties that are supposed to be performed by men and women.

In conclusion, as much as married women may give household roles a priority over career, they are not different from career women by far because in both cases, they all work. Both house hold and employment or career duties are performed in the same manner. They are also obligated to perform their duties in the society as women (Princeton University, (2003).

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