Emergency Department Capabilities

The guidance presented by the National Preparedness Goal creates the key for the success of emergency management. The guidance that seeks to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond, and recover is independent and requires the emergency department to employ the current preparedness networks, upgrade training programs, and ensure high capabilities of financial, administrative, and logistics systems. In addition, the above-presented goals provide the community and individuals with appropriate skills and knowledge that are aimed at enabling the entire community to benefit from the preparedness for natural disasters.

Greater preparedness for contingencies reduces the probability of risks the nation might face and increases the level of sustainability. Consequently, as soon as the emergency department develops the core capabilities, it can be more prepared for various challenges. What is more important is that these capabilities will allow emergency managers to fill the existing gaps and define the targets for measuring and developing new approaches to coping with the natural contingencies.

The existence of the core capabilities is important because they allow distributing the responsibilities among department managers. For instance, prevention mechanism deals with such spheres as intelligence and information exchange, forensics and attribution, detection, screening and search. Other capabilities refer to different areas for which emergency department holds responsibility.

In my opinion, the emergency management makes everything possible to build, sustain, and develop the capabilities for strengthening community resources and advancing individuals’ capabilities. Personnel and equipment should be enhanced to ensure proper quality of plan implementation. Additionally, the national preparedness system focuses on the overall collaborative level of the community and individual perception of the critical responsibilities and tasks. It also ensures that the community is ready to react to natural disasters or man-made contingencies. However, there are still points that need to be discussed. This is of particular concern to the personnel department that should be constantly trained and developed to ensure the proper level of protection.

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