
Trading is not a new thing for the world to see. It has been going from decades and is still going on up to this date. When people talk about trades the first thing that will come into mind is the interconnected networks that participate in the occasion. Basically speaking, trading is all about selling and buying products that are brought from a journey mostly through the waters. One of the famous words that people have known through the years is the silk routes or silk road. This route is composed of an interconnected trades between various countries such as Persia, China, India, Europe, Egypt, Arabia and Somalia. The role that the silk routes played in the development of culture, values and ideologies among nations is something that cannot be disregarded. It has established new ideas that were not present in the olden times and were carried all through out the world and up to this present times (Shaw: 2002). But it must be understood that all the successes that have been gained by the pioneers of the silk routes were not achieved overnight. This is something that people have worked very hard in so far as hindrances and barriers are concerned.


One of the many hindrances that has been faced by the silk routes is values. Why? This is because of the fact that studies have shown that the interconnected nations that participated in the silk routes have their own sets of values and cultures that any foreign trade and traders have to faced. In this regard, communication and strategies that were being implemented have to altered or improved or adjusted in order to meet the current needs (Gordon: 2009). In terms of the values, religion is the biggest factor. For one products that were proven to be against the religious ideology should not be traded. In India, for example, animals that were being traded were not sold neither bought in India. There are animals that are considered gods and because of that, it should not be touched at all.

Another factor that greatly affect the silk route trading is the price. Apparently, in any trade and in whatever form price takes control especially if there is a great demand and fewer supplies. As a matter of fact, because of the geographical locations and the distance between interconnected nations and participants, anyone would simply trade their products for whatever worth is fixated by the seller. It could mean higher or lower whichever the seller decides to render. But then again, it could be stated that even if there is not much price regulation that had been imposed during such a time, the bargaining power was strong and because of this the trade went fair as well (Strayer: 2009). This kind of system is still apparent in this present day. The study of economics reveals that when there is much demand but the supply is low any merchant can hold the products until such time that people will actually be buying it for the price dictated. But then again, with the competition that is increasing with each passing day in all fields and all industries the price is very much regulated as compared to the silk routes in the olden times of trading and exchanging of goods. However, it should be noted that all the goods that were being traded in the silk routes were all in-demand. Meaning to say, the Chinese or probably the Indians were selling products that were unique to their hometown but were not present in the nations from which the products were to be traded. For example, the silk is a famous Chinese product. Hence, during the silk route trading silk had become the primary products that nations were waiting to be traded to them since they did not have it. Because of this, the demand was high and the Chinese made a lot of money out of it.


Therefore, silk route has been greatly affected by the values, culture, marketability and price of the products that were being exchanged or sold during such trading times.

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