This paper is meant to consider the negative consequences of various energy sources and compare them to the nuclear power as a controversial alternative to fossil fuel. Thesis Statement: nuclear energy should be utilized as an option to some other sorts of the power throughout the globe as it is safer, more cost effective, and more environmentally friendly, in a long run contrasted to the other types of power utilized nowadays.
Nuclear Energy
A vital energy source is a nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants work on the uranium fuel. Researchers calculate that our planet has enough raw materials for centuries of nuclear power manufacture. These results are hopeful when contrasted to the extremely restricted quantity of fossil fuel accessibility. Nevertheless, nuclear power is a contentious issue. Some countries argue that nuclear power is a clean form of energy when contrasted to the fossil fuels. The hazard of the nuclear waste and reactor failure, potentially creating toxic radiation, has to be considered as well.
Nuclear energy is the clean substitute to the fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants do not, in fact, pollute air with different emissions like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides or carbon dioxide as do some other energy variants. Though the plants make waste, when managed correctly, it does not pose any hazard to the environment. The plants create two types of waste: low-level and high-level. The second type refers to utilized fuel. In a fission period when uranium is being utilized, electricity is created along with byproducts. When the byproducts gather, they may interfere with electricity manufacture. When fuel may no longer be utilized as it does not create electricity resourcefully, it is considered to be utilized and has to be substituted – generally, nuclear power is good for many years.
There are temporary and enduring methods to store utilized fuel, though the processes should be managed with care. At first, high level waste counting utilized fuel is securely managed by processes in the plant, which do not expose people or environment to radiation. Enduring storage amenities are placed underground in a tunnel network, which is protected. Therefore, it does not put in danger any kind of ecosystem or people. Nuclear power is cheap to create, making it an attractive energy alternative. One more advantage to utilizing nuclear power is that the sources required to produce nuclear energy, that is uranium, are plentiful (Tucker, 2008).
There are two main disadvantages to nuclear power, which need to be treated. First, if nuclear abilities are utilized for the wrong aims, nuclear weapons may be developed. Second, the plant malfunctions may be overwhelming, following by the loss of lives and environmental ruin. The fear of spread of nuclear abilities has been forced in recent years by countries attempting to acquire the technology. For instance, nations like North Korea and Iran have recently tried to receive nuclear arms technology. When considering the possibility to develop nuclear power for national aims, all nations have to be aware of the possible negative results. One more downside to nuclear power is a chance of a nuclear plant malfunction that would release radiation. Three main incidents of malfunctions have happened in the past years - Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (2011). These cases took place due to a partial core meltdown, earthquake and tsunami or some mistakes in the work of a nuclear power plant (Ferguson, 2011). The results were devastating.
The 1986 tragedy at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine was the result of a defective Soviet reactor design combined with vital errors made by operators. It was a result of Cold War isolation and the shortage of a safety culture. The resulting explosion released five percent of the radioactive core into the air. Two Chernobyl plant employees passed away on the night of the tragedy, and more than 28 people passed away within several weeks due to the acute radiation poisoning. The Chernobyl catastrophe was an exceptional event and the single accident in the history of commercial nuclear usage where radiation-related losses happened.
The recent incident on the Fukushima Daiichi occurred due to the earthquake and tsunami. The Great East Japan Earthquake on Friday 11 March did damage in the area, and the large tsunami it evolved caused much more. Eleven reactors at nuclear plants were operating and all turned off automatically. Subsequent inspection demonstrated no major damage to any from the earthquake. The reactors proved forceful seismically and vulnerable to tsunami. Three units lost the capability to preserve correct reactor cooling and water flow functions. Unfortunately, three Tepco workers at the Daiichi and Daini plants passed away after the tsunami, but there have been no losses from this nuclear accident.
Though nuclear plants assert they have strong safety approaches, counting back up systems, disasters and errors are, in fact, possible. This poses a crucial disadvantage to nuclear power expansion. However, safe utilization of the nuclear power does not put in danger any kind of ecosystem or people. Nuclear power is cheap to create, and the sources required to produce nuclear energy are plentiful. The researchers on some other types of energy alternatives of fuel should proceed. However, today nuclear energy is the only effective alternative to the fuel energy. Thus, nuclear energy should be utilized as an option to some other types of the power throughout the globe. The reasons for that are the following: it is far safer, more cost effective, and more environmentally friendly, in a long run contrasted to the other typed of power utilized nowadays.