During examination, patients bring different ideas which come to their minds first; if the examiner wants to know about their dreams and patients refuse to disclose them, the examiner might assume that a person is hiding something or has some mental problems. For example, a patient can be asked what is not on his mind, and what he says is not or is far from his mind, is what in reality is on his mind. What he does not agree with is what can be the basis of his treatment and observation. This can help one to get important types of information about a patient.
Pictures that patients do not accept can come to their minds in reality; negation is accepting what is not accepted in their minds, and it also is removing the denial. Negation helps patients to accept what they do not wish to. In order to strengthen the capabilities of our minds, it has taken us to the mind origin of what it is supposed to do. Negation of mind is the decision to repress the negative mind or decision; it helps the patient to think positively and feeds the mind with things that enable it to function properly.
The mind’s functions to make decisions have been grouped into three: as something real or unrealistic, right or wrong, and important or non-important. Making a decision brings an end to bringing things forward. The mind can only come to a decision when there is a sign of negation which has taken over thinking. Negation has proved that in examining a patient, we realize negativity in unconsciousness. The most accurate evidence for unconsciousness is negative words from patients; they may deny knowing their mothers, therefore forming a basis for examination.