Throughout human history, prejudice and discrimination are part and parcel of humans’ undertakings. Prejudice and discrimination are terms that are not interchangeable. Prejudice is the unfounded and rigid attitudes and opinion held by a person or members of a group to another. Conversely, discrimination is a term used when referring to behaviors directed against an individual or another group of people. Prejudices are either positive or negative, and both forms are complex to change. This is because being prejudiced implies that one has preconceived beliefs about certain cultural practices or groups of individuals. The negative form of prejudice causes discrimination, nevertheless, it is possible for one to be bigoted without acting upon the mind-sets (Nelson, 2009). It is noteworthy that individuals practicing discrimination do so with the aim of protecting their selfish interest. They do so to deny others the opportunity of enjoying similar treatment as everyone else. 

It is enormously regrettable that prejudice against racial and ethnic minorities exists and continue to infiltrate the modern minds. Given the multicultural processes in education, it is vital to seek solutions to end both intolerance and bigotry in educational centers (Shapiro, 2002). One of the best ways is through creating an all inclusive environment by ensuring that classroom materials are diverse with regard to age, gender, disabilities, race and ethnicity. Ensuring that the school library is diverse and all-inclusive is another option. Teacher should buy books that tell stories of all people from diverse backgrounds. It is essential to address everyone’s concerns and questions since this will help the students to reinforce their natural curiosity (McLeod, 2008). Teachers should offer an explanation to the students regarding social differences and the consequences of being intolerant. Additionally, it is vital to use whatever diversity exists amongst the students with the aim of modeling inclusiveness. Teachers must embrace every student’s idea and do not create anxiety amongst students. I remember facing discrimination when I resisted joining other students when they demonstrated.

To conclude, discrimination is always the unequal treatment of individuals or groups resulting from differences. When people act on their prejudice, discrimination occurs. Prejudices and discrimination occur because of ignorance amongst individuals or groups. Actions to eliminate prejudice and discrimination remain a priority. As individuals, we are capable of overcoming ignorance and prejudices.

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