
Various characteristics are associated with one’s ability to lead a group. Among them are good communication, management skills, conflict management and many related aspects. Communication acts as the central drive in leadership since managing people requires interaction that can be maintained with help communication only (American Psychological Association, 2010). Story telling is a vital component of leadership. It helps one to become a good leader (Hansen, 2003); this can be achieved by creating a strong bond between the leader and his followers.

Creating Rapport

A leader must look for good means of communicating his messages with members of an organization. Good storytelling skills enable a leader’s ability to put his message across in a mild manner; this way, the workers and other members will not feel intimidated by the message, and they will act accordingly to ensure that the message sent is implemented. For instance, a good leader should not bring up one’s mistake in front of other members to avoid victimization and creation of a bad image for members of the organization (Simmons, 2006). In this manner, the message sent will get across to the target member without affecting one’s performance and a receiver will feel safe in that the other members of an organization will not know that they were the targets.


Since time immemorial, good story tellers were given leadership positions. This is because they could always devise means of quelling disputes among people (Clawson, 2012). Their creativity allowed them to come up with good stories in the nick of time, and to solve disputes. Therefore, good story tellers can solve disputes in a quicker and timely manner than people who cannot tell stories. A good story teller creates rapport in the organization, and the organization can attain its goals. This makes a good storyteller a highly competitive person in as far as leading an organization is concerned.

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